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I am Lorena, I am Lunacrat. And, I am a light chaser!


For many years, Lunacrat (Luna=Moon in Spanish) has been my pseudonym in artistic projects. It complements me.  

Seven years ago, I came from the gorgeous landscapes of Colombia to the majestic scenarios of UK, and I made them my second home. I made them part of me.

I decided to switch from Marketing to Photography as my full time career. And, I'm so happy to have made that decision...Mainly, because of what I breathe every day: Passion! 

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My passion for family portraits came from when I became a mum for the very first time, and since then I haven’t stopped capturing moments of my two children to treasure every day, and those of others; enjoying the creative process to the limit.

Thanks to Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Literature Nobel Prize), I am a believer of Magic Realism. And, I am inspired by him, to create my own form of art. 

I work with the kindness of our Mother Nature: Natural Light

Editing is part of my workflow, of course, although not the core of the process. 

I also, have done studio sessions and events as per request.


My motto is to help families create special memories to cherish forever. Capturing beautiful emotions and happiness, as well as, details that are important to you and your loved ones, in a unique way.


With me, it won't be a standard photo session.

You will have a whole great Experience, from the very first step we take together.

From briefing, debriefing, getting to know each other before the session, advising in clothing and planning, until the final day where we'll be spending time immersed in a magical journey of spontaneity and creativity.

Let's make the ordinary: Extraordinary.

Come with me to these hidden gems, that will glow with your magic in front of my lens.


Rainbow fields: Yellow, Red, Green, Purple, Blue...




And, here...


...A toast for those great human beings who have had a positive impact in my past, present and future, and, have helped to shape who I am as an artist; some of them don't even know it :) 

To each of them: Gracias Totales!!!!

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Fai, Gabi, Oli

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Betty, Gabriel

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Johan, Dianis, Fabi

Teffy, Erick, Evan

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Karem SdR

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Leo M

Xenia D.

Sujata S.

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